

General information

This website is operated by Xiamen Badou New Material Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Badou New Material Technology"). Badou New Material Technology owns and reserves all rights.

Copyright Law

The web content and documents compiled by Badou New Material Technology are protected by copyright law. Reproduction, processing, dissemination and any use beyond the limits of copyright law must be approved in writing by Badou New Materials Technology. If the relevant content is not created by Badou New Material Technology, it must comply with the copyright of the third party, especially if it is marked as third-party content. If the user finds copyright infringement, please notify Badou New Material Technology. Once a violation notice is received, Badou New Material Technology will immediately remove the relevant content.

Badou New Materials Technology Information and Documentation

The product information of Badou New Material Technology is based on the existing knowledge and experience of the enterprise and complies with the regulations of the relevant approval authorities. However, given that there are many factors that may affect the processing and application of the product, users should conduct their own experiments and tests. Since the storage and use of products are not under the control of Badou New Material Technology, and Badou New Material Technology cannot predict all relevant situations, Badou New Material Technology does not assume any responsibility for losses caused by improper storage and use.

Applications not listed in the product manual, especially those included in the approval or authorization of the approval authority but not recommended by Badou New Material Technology, have not been verified by Badou New Material Technology. Therefore, Badou New Material Technology is not responsible for any loss caused by such applications.

A variety of factors, particularly local and regional environmental factors, may affect product performance. Badou New Material Technology or Badou New Material Technology's distribution partners do not assume any responsibility for this.

Product users are solely responsible for complying with current product ownership, laws, regulations, product approval regulations and directives. The statements and information contained in this document are subject to change without notice.

Professional manufacturer of composite functional carbon polymer composite materials and special advanced ceramics

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